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Multiple account opening, information flow automation function matrix,
and Facebook data collection help customers achieve one click brand exposure and one click drainage.
One person can easily manage hundreds of Facebook accounts

Your next customer may be just a chat away! SocialEpoch gives you the right tools to
connect with your customers directly and give
your business a competitive edge.

  • Low popularity

    The brand name cannot make a big brand image,

    Too expensive to

  • Competitive product

    data is difficult to obtain

    See competitors eating meat

    Do you really want to drink only so

  • Unstable tourist source

    Develop new customers,

    There is no way for new customers to start

One stop social

media publicity platform

Application scenario

  • Private domain


  • Official number


  • Product Exposure

Private domain


Official number


Product Exposure

Customer Success Stories

A limited company
in Nanjing

In order to get more loyal users of the company’s apps in the European and American markets, this company focused on the launch of apps, with the help of Facebook SCRM, carried out “full vulnerability” marketing, and ultimately promoted the conversion of “download” events by 2.5 times

An e-commerce
company in Hangzhou

This newly established independent cross-border e-commerce station has included copy, pictures and videos of goods in the regular marketing activities of Facebook SCRM, which has improved both the number of people covered and the rate of product discovery, and increased the number of shopping carts added to 1.8 times the original

A game company in

This game company has successfully improved its brand awareness by demonstrating its interactive game experience through the automated marketing function of Facebook SCRM, and the number of applications installed has also increased by 2.1 times

Provide support for

Use the comment and repost function of Facebook SCRM to cover more new audiences, reach the precise user group, and successfully promote the financial business to more potential users

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it’s publically available.

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