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Messaging Automation – 4 Ways It Can Help You Grow Your Training Business

Messaging Automation - 4 Ways It Can Help You Grow Your Training Business


When most people think of messaging automation, they imagine an automated “auto reply” from a company. The reality is that messaging automation can do so much more than that and can even help your training business grow. In fact, if you aren’t already using some form of automated messaging in your business, you’re leaving money on the table every single day. To help you get started with this powerful tool for growing your training business, here are four ways that message automation can help:

Real-time customer service

Real-time customer service

In today’s world, customers expect real-time customer service. They want to be able to reach out to you immediately if they have any questions or concerns. Automated messaging can help you make more sales, save more time for customer service, and create more opportunities for customer engagement.

Instant lead qualification

  • How does it work?

In our experience, the best way to get started with messaging automation is to start by adding the lead qualification tool Integrations. This allows you to ask a short question that only applies to prospects who qualify as a potential client for your training business. For example, if you’re selling marketing or sales training services, you could ask clients “How many employees are in your company?” If they answer 1-10 (meaning they’re too small) or 11-25 (meaning they’re too big), we’ll automatically send them a message saying “Sorry but this course isn’t for you.” You can use this same idea with any type of service or product and customize the questions accordingly.

Instant lead qualification

The benefits of using this strategy include:

  • You can focus on leads who have more serious needs and will benefit from what you offer
  • You save time because less people need follow up emails asking if they’ve got questions about whether the course is right for them
  • You save money because there’s no need to provide services that don’t meet their needs

Community engagement

You can use messaging to engage your audience in a meaningful way. It is a great tool for building brand awareness, increasing customer loyalty, and ensuring that customers are satisfied with your service. On top of that, it also helps increase customer retention rates as well as referrals from existing customers.

Messaging can be used for many things including:

Community engagement
  • Hosting polls or quick surveys about specific topics related to training programs;
  • Promoting new content on your blog or website; and
  • Sharing useful articles from third-party sources relevant to your training program (such as links to articles on the latest industry trends).

Personalized sales conversations

Personalized sales conversations are more likely to convert, remembered, shared and trusted.

Personalized sales conversations are also more memorable. It’s easier to remember a personalized message than one that is generic. When you make your message personal, you are talking directly with the person listening — not just sending them an impersonal email or text message. That makes it easier for them to remember what they have learned in the conversation later on when making purchasing decisions. And this is especially true if they share the conversation with others who may be interested in what was discussed during their chat with you!

Automated messaging can help you make more sales, save more time for customer service, and create more opportunities for customer engagement.

Automated messaging can help you make more sales, save more time for customer service, and create more opportunities for customer engagement
  • Automated messaging can help you make more sales, save more time for customer service, and create more opportunities for customer engagement.
  • Real-time customer service
  • Instant lead qualification
  • Community engagement
  • Personalized sales conversations


In summary, messaging automation has so many benefits for training businesses. It can help you grow your business and create a more personalized experience for your customers. But the most important thing about this tool is that it’s easy to use and doesn’t require any technical knowledge from its users. So if you want to try out automated messaging in your own business, we recommend trying out one of the free trials available on our website today!