
5 Ways to Improve Your Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

5 Ways to Improve Your Ecommerce Marketing Strategy


WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. The service allows its users to send text messages and make voice calls, as well as make video calls. WhatsApp also features an Instant Messenger that was first launched in 2016. With this messenger feature you can chat with your contacts without having them on your contact list or needing a phone number to communicate with them.

1. Engage with customers on WhatsApp

Use WhatsApp to engage with your customers

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps and can be used in a variety of ways, from answering customer questions to promoting new products. It’s also a great way for you to build relationships with your customers by reaching them on a more personal level.

Here are some ways you can use WhatsApp:

Engage with customers on WhatsApp
  • Use it as an FAQ tool. If there are certain questions that keep coming up time and time again, then why not create an FAQ section on your website while also including the answers in a WhatsApp group? This way, people who have already bought from you know where they can go if they need help or advice about their purchase, which means less time spent on support requests!
  • Promote new product lines or specials through special groups that only existing customers have access to. This will encourage repeat business because these loyal shoppers know exactly what kind of special offers exist without having to search around for them all over again—and it gives them another reason not just stick with what works but try something new too!

2. Use WhatsApp as a new leads generation channel

To promote your business, you can use WhatsApp to generate leads, get people to your website and app, or even sign up for a newsletter.

This is also an excellent way of reaching out to customers and keeping them updated about new products and services in real-time.

The best part? It’s free!

3. Sell your products directly via WhatsApp

  • Sell your products directly via WhatsApp
Sell your products directly via WhatsApp

With the rise of messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, it’s no surprise that eCommerce companies are finding new ways to reach potential customers. The most obvious way is by using chatbots—but this doesn’t mean you can only sell through automated messages. You can also use a human-to-human approach when selling through WhatsApp, which could help you increase sales from existing clients as well as attract new ones.

For example, you could send an image of a product along with a short description about its features or benefits. Then ask questions about what size they wear or if they want something more casual or formal for work at the end of each message so that they have to reply in order for their order to go through (rather than simply ignoring your message). This will keep them engaged and give them time think about whether or not buying from you is worth it given all these details!

4. Send personal marketing messages to your best customers

  • Send personal marketing messages to your best customers

This is the final step to help you improve your eCommerce marketing strategy. You can’t just send marketing messages to everyone on your email list, or even just based on their interests and behavior, because it will be too expensive and time-consuming. Instead, you need to know who are the most valuable customers for your business and then focus all of your efforts towards them.

The easiest way to do this is by using a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool like Salesforce or SocialEpoch CRM (you don’t have one yet? Get started now). Using these tools, you will be able to segment all of the customers into different categories such as:

  • “Best Customers” – these are people who have made purchases from you 3 times in the past year;
  • “Top Prospects” – these are prospects who have visited one page on your site but haven’t made a purchase;
  • “New Leads” – leads that came through via ads or links; and
  • “Hot Prospects” – prospects who are likely going to buy soon based on previous history with other similar items.

5. Learn how to sell on WhatsApp, by consulting our sales consultants for free!

Learn how to sell on WhatsApp, by consulting our sales consultants for free!

We know that you have a lot to learn, and we’re here to help you get started. Whether it’s the first time you are using WhatsApp for marketing purposes or you want to improve your strategy, we have many options available for our clients.

You can receive a consultation with one of our sales consultants by simply cliking on this WhatsApp link

We offer free consultations to all eCommerce business owners who want to learn how they can use WhatsApp more effectively as part of their digital marketing strategies. We understand that there are many moving parts when it comes to digital marketing strategies, so let us help guide the conversation with an expert in this field!

Use WhatsApp to increase your sales.

WhatsApp is a messaging application that allows you to connect with your customers in a more personal way. In the past, it was only used for communication between friends but now it has become an essential tool for companies as well.

The main reason why WhatsApp is such an effective marketing strategy is because of its instant nature, which makes it ideal for communicating with customers who are on the move and want answers quickly. The fact that many people have their phones glued to their hands makes this platform even more appealing, especially when they’re looking at online stores during their daily routine or on weekends:

  • As soon as someone lands on your website and sees something they like, they can send you a message via WhatsApp asking if there are any discounts available at the moment;
  • If there’s some product information missing from your ecommerce site (like images or descriptions), these kind of questions can easily be solved in real time instead of having to explain everything through email first;


WhatsApp is a great place to start

If you want to improve your eCommerce marketing strategy, then WhatsApp is a great place to start. It’s easy to use and it works on every mobile device in the world. You can reach customers directly through WhatsApp, without having to spend money on ads or sending emails that get deleted before reading. Your best customers will love getting personal messages with special offers and discounts from your company! We hope this blog was helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about how WhatsApp can help their business grow