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5 Ways To Nurture Sales Leads Into Clients Using WhatsApp Business

5 Ways To Nurture Sales Leads Into Clients Using WhatsApp Business

Having every lead convert into a paying customer is a dream of every business. But dreams are far from reality. In reality, businesses have to put in a lot of effort and nurture sales leads to finally convert them into clients. 

Lead nurturing may vary based on the type of the business and the mode of communication. In traditional marketing, lead nurturing involves cold emailing, having regular follow-ups, sharing newsletters, social media engagements, and more. But before we get into the details on ways to nurture sales leads, let’s first understand its fundamentals.

What does nurturing sales lead mean?

nurture sales lead

 Nurturing sales leads means establishing a relationship with leads and constantly engaging with them through the buying process. This may include face-to-face meetings and consultations, email marketing, digital marketing campaigns, social media engagements, and more.

By nurturing leads, you can establish a long-term relationship with your leads. This can impact your leads’ buying decision in your favor. 

To nurture sales leads is a common practice in most businesses. With the growing trends of e-commerce marketing, nurturing sales leads have become an indispensable part of sales marketing.

Why do businesses need to nurture sales leads?

 At least half the leads in any business’s software or CRM are not yet ready to buy. Maybe you got the lead through an online opt-in form in exchange for a lead magnet.

There are two ways lead nurturing helps a business:

1 . Creating brand/ product awareness

It becomes necessary to nurture sales leads to create awareness about your brand and products in such cases. Having knowledge about the product helps leads to developing trust for the brand as well as the product.  

2 . Understanding customer expectations

Most customers prefer to have thorough knowledge about the brand and the product before making a purchase. Nurturing sales leads does exactly that and more by establishing a strong relationship with leads and understanding their needs and expectations. This helps in addressing them better and closing more deals.

5 Ways to Nurture Sales Leads using WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business has brought businesses and customers much closer through a common platform. Here are 5 ways you can use the platform to nurture sales leads into clients:

1. Feedbacks

Feedback :nurture sales lead

The best way to know what your leads feel about your product is to ask them!

Getting regular feedback and opinions from potential leads is one of the best ways to nurture sales leads in the initial stages. It can help a business in two ways. 

First, asking leads for feedbacks and suggestions and acting on it makes them feel special and involved in decision making. This builds a positive image for your brand and increases the probability of conversion.

Second, getting regular feedback and suggestions helps you understand their exact problems, requirements, and expectations. This information can help the business provide more accurate customer service and relevant product suggestions. This can greatly help to get maximum conversions.

Read more: 9 Ways To Use WhatsApp To Boost Sales For Your Business

2. Useful content

Useful content

Lead engagement can be an effective technique to nurture sales leads into clients.

When thousands of brands contend for your potential lead’s attention, keeping them engaged with useful and relevant information can be one way to ensure that you get maximum attention. 

Content in the form of product information offers and discount updates, related news pieces, and tips are the general form of content that is generally used to keep leads engaged.

Some businesses like to go the extra mile and send leads personalized product suggestions, reminders, and notifications. This adds value to business customer relationships and helps convert leads into clients.

Read more: 10 Reasons Why WhatsApp is Outranking SMS in Digital Marketing

3. Engagement in groups

Engagement in groups to nurture sales leads

Group conversations can be fun. Talking to your friends or your favorite group of cousins and having interesting discussions and fun banter. 

Group engagements are not just for personal engagements. As a business, you can use groups to engage with your potential leads and have them contribute to your conversations. This way, you can improve their engagement with your business and gain their interest.

It’s a proven fact that customers that have higher engagement with a brand have a higher chance of making a purchase in the future.

Groups can be used to get feedback and opinions about products, have fun games and quizzes, and other creative activities that will keep your leads engaged and entertained.

Read more: WhatsApp Groups VS WhatsApp Broadcast Lists: Differences and Use Cases

4. Buyer persona-based marketing

Buyer persona to nurture sales leads

Buyer personas play a determinant role in their buying decision. By focusing on creating buyer personas and pitching your products based on them, you can improve your chances of offering your leads exactly what they would need. 

Buyer personas are easy to create and most individuals would willingly share their information if it means a better customer experience for them. Buyer personas can help you with your marketing analytics and in understanding buyer behavior based on geographic location. 

There are some third-party tools that you can use for building buyer personas. Or you can opt for  SocialEpoch, a WhatsApp Business CRM integration tool that takes care of all your CRM and sales processes and provides a customizable buyer persona builder for your WhatsApp contact lists.

Read more: Cracking The Buyer Persona Code For Effective WhatsApp Marketing

5. Personalization

WhatsApp CRM Remarketing -personal relationship

Made to feel special and getting special treatment is a wonderful feeling. Especially on events like birthdays. As a business, you can take the opportunity to make your leads feel special on their special days by giving them a shout-out or passing on special offers.

Such gestures are usually highly appreciated by leads and can make them like you even more. 

Personal liking of a brand or their social engagement can be a major source of trust and can lead to long-term retention and brand loyalty.

Also read: 8 Ways To Boost Customer Lifetime Value via SocialEpoch WhatsApp SCRM


Customers are the lifeline of any business. And to nurture sales leads into clients, businesses have to follow the right techniques. With WhatsApp Business API like SocialEpoch SCRM, you can easily find new clients and nurture them in buying customers by following the above-mentioned ways.

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