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9 Ways To Use WhatsApp To Boost Sales For Your Business

WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging app that allows users to chat, call, video call, and share data with one another for free. WhatsApp user base has just crossed 1.6 billion in 2021 making it one of the most popular messaging app in the world.  It has a diverse user base with users of different age groups, geographic locations, ethnicity, and community. 

WhatsApp is mostly seen as a personal space where people connect with their close contacts. But businesses have lately started using WhatsApp to boost sales for their business. WhatsApp can be an unconventional marketing tool but it has a proven advantage when it comes to building strong relationships with customers and promoting a business. 

9 Techniques of Using WhatsApp To Boost Sales

Here are 9 creative ways through which you can boost sales using WhatsApp and turn your business around  easily:

1. Broadcast Lists

Broadcast Lists are a one-way messaging system that is similar to groups. In the broadcast list, the admin can create a list of contacts to send messages and alerts to members of the list individually. The recipients can neither reply to the message nor check the status of other members of the list. 

Broadcast lists can be a great medium to send out important alerts and messages to your list of active clients. Since it worlds similar to Twitter, it can be used to increase engagements or share invitation links to your product pages or social handles.

2. Group Chats

Group chats are one of the best places to increase engagement from members of the group and make the conversations exciting. Use groups for discussions on certain topics, play fun games, take polls, do a survey or just have some fun conversation with your customers. 

Group chats are particularly useful to create focus groups or performing market studies before launching a product.

3. Specialized Customer Support

Happy customers lead to higher retention and better customer lifetime value. But to ensure this, customers’ queries and concerns must be attended to well. WhatsApp is the best medium for customer service as it allows personal one-on-one conversation with customers and provides instant response.  Giving customers to contact the business through WhatsApp and get instant responses from them gives them a sense of trust for the brand and its products. 

4. Creative Offers and Promotions

Creative Offers and Promotions

Launched a new product or rolled out a new offer? Share all the latest updates with your customers through personal WhatsApp messages. Sharing creative offers and promotions can help build excitement around your products and bring more customers to your shopping site. By including clickable links, you can make it more simple for your customers to complete the checkout process and boosting sales.

5. Engage Directly with Phone Calls

WhatsApp allows you to make phone calls to any part of the world absolutely free. You can use this feature to stay connected with your customers and help them out with their queries and concerns. Calling up your customers to confirm their orders can speed up the sales process. For many businesses, calling regular customers to check on them and get their feedback is a usual practice.

6. Be Inclusive and Share Quality Content

Be Inclusive and Share Quality Content

Your WhatsApp conversations with customers should not be all about you. Keep your customers at the center of everything and give them a feeling of being special. Sharing quality content and keeping your customers and leads into the heart of everything can improve their engagement and builds a healthy rapport with them. It’s a proven fact that people prefer to buy from brands that they engage with regularly. Boost your sales using WhatsApp and stay connected with your customers always.

7. Product Catalog

 Product Catalog

Don’t make your customers go to and fro between WhatsApp messages and your website to check out every product you recommend or share. You can create your product catalog on WhatsApp Business and share it with your customers. This makes it easy for your customers to view the product and make payment for it all in the same place. You can also ask your customers to share your product catalog with their friends and family and grow your sales through their personal networks.

8. Offer easy payment through WhatsApp Pay

A large number of people leave products in their cart and never come back to them. Most of the time it’s because the checkout process may be too complicated or time-consuming. With WhatsApp, you can give your customers the option to pay using WhatsApp Pay. It’s completely hassle-free and the process is completed instantly making it a pleasurable experience.

9. Advertising through status

WhatsApp status can be a great feature for advertising to a large group of people for free. The fact that it lasts for 24 hrs makes it great for sharing informational videos, demos, flash sale information, and more. Another benefit of using WhatsApp status for advertising is that you can check the response statistics and see how a particular advertising strategy is working. 

And that was 9 creative ways you can use WhatsApp to boost sales for your business. If you know of more ways, let us know!. Also, learn more about WhatsApp SCRM and WhatsApp Marketing, its usage,  its advantages in e-commerce to learn how it can help you grow your business.