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How to Use Social Selling to Generate Leads——Let’s talk about social selling and where it fits in the broader marketing strategy

How to Use Social Selling to Generate Leads


Social selling is a way to generate leads and drive sales by leveraging social media. It can be an effective part of your company’s lead generation efforts, meeting customers at any point in their journey, providing them with helpful resources and ultimately building trust that leads to a sale.

Develop a social strategy.

Developing a social strategy is the first step in building your social selling program. It is important to identify who your target audience is, and how you plan on reaching them. This should include:

  • Define your target audience
  • Identify the goals of your social selling strategy (i.e., generate leads, build brand awareness)
  • Identify the channels that will be used to reach your target audience (i.e., LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Define the metrics that will be used measure success (i.e., number of leads generated per month).

Start with the research phase.

The first step in social selling is research. Just as it’s important to know your audience during the client-facing phase of the sales cycle, you need to understand who they are and what they care about before you begin posting on social media. This will help you tailor content, target ads, and create profiles that resonate with them. In addition, knowing where they congregate online will help you find them—and reach them—on the platforms where they already spend their time.

To get started researching your target audience:

  • Identify your ideal customer profile (ICP). Learning about a prospect’s demographics can help you better anticipate their needs and interests by giving insight into how old they are, where they live, income level etc., but don’t forget about more subtle information like gender preference or hobbies/interests!
  • Learn about their pain points – what makes them tick? Your ICP should be able to tell you what issues keep them up at night (literally), but if not then think outside of conventional wisdom here too; maybe it’s cost inflation due to inflationary pressures on a particular industry or maybe it’s simply because there hasn’t been any good news lately so people have become apathetic towards certain industries altogether due to complacency.”

Create valuable content that adds value to their lives.

As you begin to create engaging content, it’s important to remember that social selling is about adding value for your audience. You want to make sure that the content you create will be relevant and valuable to them.

Here are some tips:

  • Be relevant. Your blog posts or white papers should focus on topics related to your industry and/or audience so they can provide them with helpful information. For example, if you work in the construction industry, then you may want to write about sustainability practices or how technology can help improve efficiency on jobsites (and these topics would be good for other audiences as well).
  • Make it easy-to-read and understand. It’s a good idea not only because people will be more likely share it but also because they won’t mind reading through wordy paragraphs if they know there is something worthwhile at the end of each sentence! So make sure everything has an objective before publishing anything online; this doesn’t mean every single piece has one though – just make sure there’s always an overall goal behind publishing whatever material type(s) we’re talking about here otherwise what does our job even matter? (It doesn’t.)

Gain the trust of your audience by providing consistent, valuable content and insight.

One of the most important ways you can use social sellingto generate leads is by providing consistent, valuable content and insight. This goes beyond just sharing content that’s interesting or fun. You want to be sure it’s something your target audience will find useful. If you’re not sure what people in your industry want, here are some questions you might ask:

  • What do they want or need?
  • What types of problems do they face?
  • How can I help them solve those problems?

Connect and engage prospect customers online.

Social media is a great way to connect and engage with customers.

What are the benefits of using social media for sales?

Social networks provide you with a direct line to your audience. You can build trust, relationships, and even create demand for your products or services. Social selling can help you build stronger relationships with your target customers by fostering an ongoing dialogue that lets them know you’re listening and willing to help them in any way possible (as long as it doesn’t violate their privacy).

Build relations with prospects and achieve a technology-assisted level of personalization based on social media insights.

Social selling is a way to build relationships with prospects, existing customers and influencers. Social selling is an important part of the marketing mix because it can help you achieve a technology-assisted level of personalization based on social media insights.

Whether you’re going out for dinner or hosting a dinner party at home, having your guests bring along their favorite bottle(s) means that even if you aren’t quite sure what to serve with dinner, there’ll be something to go with whatever wine they bring. Similarly, if someone wants to get in touch about something specific like “how do I get more leads?” or “what are your top tips for using social media tools?”, then simply mentioning this in advance gives them permission – and the opportunity – to do just that!

Build a relationship with your audience.

While there are many opportunities to engage with your audience, social media is an obvious place to start. Social media platforms are a great way to reach out and establish a personal connection with your target market, especially if you have the right kind of content.

You can use social media as a way to build rapport with potential customers by posting helpful content that they’ll find valuable. You can also use it as an opportunity to share industry insights or thought leadership on topics related to your business and products/services.

Social selling has become one of the fastest-growing marketing and sales channels.

Social selling has become one of the fastest-growing marketing and sales channels. Thanks to a proliferation of digital tools, more and more businesses are turning to social media as their primary method for interacting with customers, prospects, and partners. The result is that marketers are able to communicate directly with their audiences at all hours of the day—and it’s not just about posting content anymore; it’s about promoting your brand, products or services through meaningful conversations.

But social selling isn’t just about connecting with people online—it can also help you generate leads! In this blog post we’ll explore how social selling fits into your broader marketing strategy so you can start getting results today.

Social selling can be an effective part of your company’s lead generation efforts, meeting customers at any point in their journey, providing them with helpful resources and ultimately building trust that leads to a sale.

Social selling can be an effective part of your company’s lead generation efforts, meeting customers at any point in their journey, providing them with helpful resources and ultimately building trust that leads to a sale.

In the age of social media, people are no longer just looking for advice from other people they know or have heard of—they’re turning to the internet for help. Social media has become an invaluable tool for connecting with potential leads and nurturing relationships from strangers into paying customers. Social selling is one way that businesses can use social media to generate leads by engaging with potential customers on relevant platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to provide helpful information about products/services or assist in making purchasing decisions.


Social selling is a powerful way to build relationships with potential customers and generate leads. But it can be challenging if you don’t have a strategy in place. It’s important to know when and how to use social selling, as well as the tools available for doing so effectively. Social media is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies for leveraging this platform for lead generation purposes.