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7 Effective WhatsApp Marketing Tips For Small Business

7 Effective WhatsApp Marketing Tips For Small Business

In the world of digital marketing, trends change every day. Techniques that got you leads today might not prove very effective in the days to come. For this reason, it becomes necessary that businesses keep a track of the latest trends in marketing and update their marketing techniques accordingly. In this age of digital marketing, hitting the right cords in marketing can make your business a huge success in no time. 

While there are several marketing platforms that have helped businesses in their growth, WhatsApp marketing is one of the most effective among them. The reason being that WhatsApp messages have the highest open rate as compared to all its counterparts. Taking this into consideration, several big businesses are using it to influence their audiences. Let’s take a look at the most popular WhatsApp Marketing strategies in the past years and also learn about some useful WhatsApp marketing tips.

5 Top Brands and Their WhatsApp Marketing Strategies

Getting personal offers on WhatsApp from brands can help influence customers’ choices to a great extent. Here are a few examples of international brands winning at the WhatsApp Marketing game and earning their customers’ love and appreciation.

1. Netflix

NetFlix is one of the most popular online movie streaming platform known for its exclusive collections. What makes it a favorite among its users is that it suggests shows and movies based on previous watch histories. Users visiting their platform need not dig for movies of their interest. They can simply go through the suggested list and pick the movie of their choice. 

The latest development in its marketing technique is its WhatsApp notification system wherein, it sends out a WhatsApp notification every time a new show or movie is added to the platform based on the users’ interest. 

2. OYO

OYO WhatsApp Marketing
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OYO is one of the largest hotel booking platforms offering hotels with all price ranges. OYO helps in finding hotels near you. Users can see what their hotel room looks like, its user review ratings, and more such information through its app. Recently it has come one step ahead. It introduced WhatsApp as a means to update their customers about their booking confirmations and well as directions to the hotel.

This makes it easy for customers as they need not call up the hotel for their booking inquiries. They can easily get all important information through their WhatsApp chat. 

3. BookMyShow

BookMyShow WhatsApp Marketing
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BookMyShow is a platform where you can book movie tickets online. Users can download their tickets from the website to be shown at the multiplex of their choice. BookMyShow has made the entire process even more simple by sending out confirmation messages and updates to their users directly on their WhatsApp numbers.

4. Hellmanns’

Hellmanns' WhatsCook WhatsApp campaign as WhatsApp Marketing
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HellManns’ which sells mayo products, has found the most unique way to use WhatsApp marketing to promote their brand and ensure higher brand engagement. Through its latest campaign ‘WhatsCook’, it had asked its customers to simply send a picture of the ingredients they have in their refrigerator through WhatsApp, and HellManns’ suggested recipes that could be made from them.  This campaign was a huge success and saw 13 thousand user registrations and 4 million website hits.

5. Cred

Cred WhatsApp Marketing

Cred is an online credit card bill payment app that has used WhatsApp notification as one of its features.  Cred keeps track of multiple credit cards and sends a timely reminder when payments are due, making sure its customers never miss a due date. To encourage timely payments, it also offers cashback and discounts on each payment.

7 WhatsApp Marketing Tips for Ecommerce Business

If you are a WhatsApp marketer or a business looking for WhatsApp marketing tips for your business, here are a few points that you may find useful:

1. Build a brand persona

WhatsApp can be a great place to build up a brand persona, especially for small brands by setting a tone for your communication with your customers. Making them feel special or coming up with ways to help them out can give a big boost to your brand image.

2. Provide client assistance

Don’t use WhatsApp just to push your product information down your customer’s throat. Participate in meaningful interactions and assist them in every way possible. This can be one of the most useful Whatsapp marketing tips if you are a small business and wish to make a strong brand image.

3. Don’t simply sell

Selling your product through WhatsApp marketing can be the motive, but it should not be your sole purpose.  Use the platform to establish a strong personal bond with customers.

4. Influence your customers with choices

Not every customer may be planning to use your service or product, but when they are offered interesting choices or offers, they can be inclined to try your product.

5. Create broadcast lists

Creating broadcast lists and using WhatsApp bulk sender opinions can help your business reach out to a bigger audience and make WhatsApp marketing faster and convenient.

6. Make creative offers and promotions

Never overlook the power of creativity. A simple and creative ad copy or creative promotion can help you garner more attention from customers as well as the media. Several businesses have shifted from large budget advertisements to simple yet creative ads. 


Burger King had released an ad asking its customers to eat at its rival food chains such as Mc Donalds, Subway, KFC, etc.  Not only was this move largely appreciated by all, but it also gained huge media attention.

Burger King marketing tip
Image Source:

7. Engage directly with phone calls

For small businesses, there may be times when your client needs customization in your product or need assistance over a call. WhatsApp calling feature makes it easy for you to call them up in any corner of the world free of cost. This can be one of the biggest advantages of using WhatsApp for customer services. Additional features such as voice messages, sharing docs, and multimedia content can be easily done through WhatsApp.

Now, that you know about all the latest tips and tricks of WhatsApp marketing, try implementing them in your own business as well. WhatsApp marketing can be quite simple when done using the right tools. WhatsApp Business when integrated with several advanced tools such as WhatsApp link generator and Social CRM tools can help boost your WhatsApp marketing capabilities.