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Social Selling: How to Effectively Engage with Prospective Customers Online

Social Selling: How to Effectively Engage with Prospective Customers Online


Social selling is a strategy that helps businesses build relationships with prospective customers. It’s a trend that has been gaining momentum over the past few years as more and more companies see its value. In fact, 84% of B2B buyers said they prefer interacting with brands on social media rather than through traditional channels like email or phone calls, according to Salesforce research. But what exactly is social selling? And how can you use it to generate new customer leads? In this blog post, we’ll explore those questions and more!

Build trust

One of the most important aspects of social selling is building trust. In order to establish trust, you need to provide helpful information, be authentic and transparent, give customers a reason to trust you, provide value to the conversation, and be honest—this last point may sound obvious but is often overlooked. It’s easy for salespeople to get caught up in pitching their products or services that they forget about what really matters: helping their prospects solve problems. When you communicate with your potential clients on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook Messenger (both are great ways of communicating with people who are interested in what you have), make sure your goal isn’t just selling; instead focus on providing value through useful content and advice that helps them reach their goals or overcome challenges. Being honest about mistakes or failures will also help build trust because it shows prospective buyers that despite being human themselves (which we all are) it doesn’t mean we can’t learn from our mistakes too!

Humanize your brand

Social selling is about humanizing your brand in a way that will make you more approachable, relatable and personable to prospective customers. You can achieve this by:

  • Being human. Don’t try to be an expert or use jargon that doesn’t make sense to the average person. Just be yourself!
  • Being authentic. It doesn’t matter how much your product has had in terms of success—if people don’t trust you enough, they won’t follow through with it.
  • Being approachable and relatable so people feel like they can relate to your posts/content better than other brands who are using traditional marketing techniques such as ads or billboards which are usually impersonal (and sometimes downright unattractive). People want someone they can trust so they don’t feel pressured into buying something right away before learning more about it on their own accord instead of being forced into buying something based solely on what someone else says about it instead of making up their own mind based off their experience with similar products from competing companies first hand which may not even exist yet but still could potentially come out eventually if someone did decide to create them sometime soon after reading one day long story post all about how much money he made from selling his leftover shoes online instead just throwing them away because no one else wanted them either because most likely there wasn’t enough demand for these specific types yet anyway so why bother even trying?

Craft a strong online presence

  • Craft a strong online presence

It’s important to be consistent in your social media engagement and present yourself professionally on all of your platforms. If you don’t have a personal account, consider starting one as it will help you connect with current and future customers in a more personal way. If you’re unsure where to start, we’ve put together this list of the best social networks for small businesses:

  • Facebook Business Pages – With 2 billion monthly users worldwide, Facebook is the most popular network for businesses today. There’s no better way to reach your target audience than through their News Feeds!
  • Instagram Business Profiles – This platform has grown tremendously over the last few years thanks to its unique visual nature and ability for brands (like yours) to interact directly with consumers on an individual level through comments or DMs (direct messages). It’s also great for promoting products and services through stylish posts!

Be valuable

  • Be a resource.
  • Share your expertise.
  • Be a problem solver.
  • Don’t be a salesperson and don’t be a robot.

Add value to every conversation

  • Add value to every conversation

Studies have shown that people are more likely to engage with influencers who provide useful information or a unique perspective. In other words, if you can add something of value in each conversation you have on social media, you will be in a better position to build relationships with prospective customers.

It’s important to note that adding value doesn’t mean simply posting sales pitches or product promotions. Instead, it means being an active participant in the discussion by providing helpful information and offering solutions for common problems faced by your audience members (or potential customers).

Success in social selling is all about building relationships.

Success in social selling is all about building relationships. Social selling isn’t about getting a sale, but rather it’s about building trust and credibility with prospective customers so that they will buy from you in future. Social media provides an excellent platform for this type of marketing because it allows you to connect directly with prospects who are interested in what you have to offer. The key to successful social selling is learning how to engage your audience effectively so that they will reach out to you when they need what you have to offer.


Social selling is all about building relationships. By focusing on the right types of content and making a genuine effort to engage with customers, you can build trust and increase engagement across your social media channels.