
Turning Customer Engagement Into Sales

Turning Customer Engagement Into Sales


I know: it sounds simple. And yet, it’s something that a lot of companies that are new to digital marketing struggle with. It’s also something that more established companies often forget about when they have fully transitioned from an old-school sales approach to one focused on direct communication with customers. But asking someone if they want to buy your product or service is not the same thing as engaging them in a meaningful way first and then leading them down the path that leads to purchase. That’s because there’s so much more information available now than ever before; we can learn so much more about our customers before even reaching out to them in order to sell anything at all!

Be present where your audience is

One of the best ways to get your customers engaged is by being present where they are. Social media is one way to do this. Many social platforms have a wide reach and their audiences are comprised of people who would be interested in your business, so it’s worth spending some time setting up accounts and actually engaging with them there. However, don’t just focus on Twitter or Facebook—you need to be where your audience is too! That means Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch (if you’re selling video games), Reddit even YouTube if they’re into gaming or gaming culture (or Pokémon Go), etcetera. The point is: don’t just rely on one platform for all of your customer engagement needs; diversify yourself across as many channels as possible so that people can find you wherever they go online!

Do not rely on one platform for all of your customers.

You’re probably using social media to find new customers. Social media is a great way of connecting with people, but it’s not the only way. Don’t stop there! Look for other platforms that will help you reach your audience and engage them with your brand.

How do you find new customers? There are several different ways:

  • Referrals – If someone likes what they see from your brand, they’ll tell their friends about it. A smart business owner knows how to make themselves look good in front of their customers so that when the time comes for referral, there is little resistance by either party (this is where word-of-mouth marketing comes into play). Remember: it’s easier to sell something once than multiple times because trust has been built between parties involved in previous transactions; thus, making referrals an invaluable asset when trying to grow your business.”

Turn engagement into leads and sales.

You know how important it is to get customers engaged with your brand, but what about turning that engagement into sales?

This post will teach you how to turn customer engagement into leads and sales.

The two key ingredients of an engaging experience are: 1) the ability for customers to self-discover who they are and what they want, and 2) the ability to share their experiences with others. By providing ways for users to engage with your website or app, as well as encouraging them to share their thoughts on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter—you’re creating an opportunity for new people to discover your brand. And if you can encourage them to interact with other users by responding in real time through live chat, live answering or email marketing campaigns then all the better!

Social prospecting

Social prospecting is a way to connect with people who are interested in your product, but may not have made a purchase yet. Social media has given us unprecedented access to your customers and prospects. This means you can use social media to find people who are interested in your product, but are not yet customers.

Using social media and tools like Linkedin or Facebook, you can identify individuals that might be interested in buying from you based on their activity online. You can then reach out to them directly through email or other messaging platforms, allowing you to more effectively engage with those potential buyers who have already expressed interest in what you offer without having to rely on outdated lead generation methods like cold calling or knocking on doors at random houses hoping someone will answer.*

Build a team that is committed to building relationships, not just closing deals.

You need to build a team that is committed to building relationships, not just closing deals. A relationship is not a deal. A relationship is when someone trusts you and your brand enough to buy from you or recommend your product or service again and again. Building those relationships can be difficult if the people on your sales team are focused on the next sale instead of making sure their customers are happy with what they’re buying now.

You can use customer engagement data to help achieve this goal by identifying where there are opportunities in each stage of the sales funnel (awareness, consideration, decision) by looking at which segments have been most successful at reaching certain goals (e.g., lead generation). Next, identify how these segments differ from one another so that you can focus on building relationships with them individually rather than trying everything at once across the entire audience at once — which would likely prove ineffective anyway!

Keep your customer in mind at all times

Your customers are the reason you have a business. They are the lifeblood of your business, and they’re the reason you can pay your bills. They make sure you can keep your livelihood going and continue growing your business.

When dealing with customers, keep them at the forefront of your mind at all times. If you do this right, they’ll be happy to come back again and again!

Listen to your customers

It’s true, though, that you cannot expect to have an engaged customer base if you don’t actually listen to them. In order for your customers to give you feedback about what they want and need, it is important for them to feel like their voices are being heard by the company. Therefore, listening with intent is one of the most crucial steps in building a relationship with your audience and getting them involved in the conversation surrounding your brand or business.

If customers feel that their opinions are being taken into consideration by companies, they will be more likely to share information about themselves and their interests on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. This can lead to increased brand awareness among other potential consumers who may not otherwise have been exposed as part of an advertising campaign or other form of marketing outreach (such as direct mail). Getting this type of exposure helps build trust between companies and consumers while also increasing sales over time due directly from word-of mouth referrals made by satisfied users who have already bought something from one another before realizing what else was available on offer elsewhere!

Customer engagement data can be a big help

Customer engagement data is valuable for a number of reasons, not least among them the fact that it provides insight into how consumers use your product or service. For example, if you’re working on improving your customer support team – or on improving how customers interact with your app – customer engagement data will help you understand what kind of problems people are having with either and how to address them.

This information can also be very helpful in understanding which features in a product or service are most important to users, which allows you to prioritize efforts when making improvements. For example, if most users seem to find one feature particularly useful while another rarely gets used at all (or worse yet, causes confusion), it makes sense to put more focus on the first than the second going forward.


I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to engage with your customers. I know that it can seem daunting, but there are many great strategies out there that can help you get started. In addition, there are also some great tools available to help make things easier on both sides (like social prospecting). So don’t forget these tips when working with customers next time!

SocialEpoch is a highly acclaimed, technology-led Social Selling Solutions provider helping customers generate sales leads while engaging them more effectively. SocialEpoch provides complete end-to-end solutions for modern digital marketing platforms and channels, and SalesTech software so that businesses can stay ahead of the curve. Most businesses have yet to integrate social selling into their marketing strategies. Stay one step ahead of your competitors with automated and manual sales and marketing tools. We believe that innovation and technology should be harnessed to help businesses reach new heights and we make it possible for you to use, strategize, implement and track all your existing and potential customer data to drive greater returns.
